Web Accessibility

How to write an Accessibility Statement

In this article Mark explains what an accessibility statement is, why you should have one and how it demonstrates your understanding of the needs of those with disabilities and how to write it.

A blind person using a laptop with a screen reader braille device and headphones
Decorative image showing a blind person using a laptop with a braille and screen reader wearing headphones.

What is an Accessibility Statement?

An accessibility statement is a document that tells your website users about how useable the website is for those that have disabilities and to what level of measurement the website meets in respect to the globally accepted set of standards as set down by W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium). Specifically by a set of standards called WCAG – Website Content Accessibility Guidelines) these are global although there are others in other parts of the world to meet other measurements.

The same goes for apps, too.

In some instances, such as those websites that need to legally meet certain standards, such as public bodies in the UK who must meet the level WCAG 2.1AA, the document is legally binding but as yet in the UK, it is not compulsory for private websites.

The statement must set out some key information to demonstrate to the user that you understand what the commitment is:

  1. the standard of measure to which you claim to achieve (e.g WCAG 2.1AA)
  2. a description of the measurement points and level of functionality (e.g attributes like colour, contrast, zoom level, navigation method, compatibility with screen readers and more)
  3. your testing procedure (what you use and how often you test) and the date the website was last tested
  4. your remediation process
  5. what things you know are not accessible or that meet the standard of the rest of the site (e.g old content that cannot be made accessible, 3rd party content, social media and off-website content where your links may take the user)
  6. how a user can contact you if they need additional assistance or need to report a newly found issue setting out what the user’s rights are if you are legally bound to meet a certain accessibility level.

Why should I make my website more accessible?

In the UK around 1 in 5 people have a disability or situation that means they have barriers in getting information from a website that is not accessible. That’s 20% +/- of the entire country, so why would you knowingly exclude that much of your audience?

It is worth bearing in mind that the more accessible you want to make the website, the less the reliance on visual and stylistic design – there can be as a lot of disabled users interact with the website in different ways that do not rely on sight so it’s more about function and how well the website both technically works with assistive technology and how the content on the page has been written and constructed.

How to write an accessibility statement

The best place to start is to understand whether you legally need an accessibility statement or not. This is going to be determined by what country you are in and what legal entity your website is owned by. For example, in the UK, all public body (government run/owned) must meet accessibility standards WCAG 2.1AA). However, you may wish to achieve a level of accessibility measurement just to ensure you are being inclusive to all internet users.

The next step – checking the accessibility of your website

Check your website to see how accessible it is according to the WCAG guidelines – there are many checking methods out there – from free browser extensions, such as WAVE by Webaim that you check each page manually at a time through to paid-for services that scan the entire site and provide a report with actions, such as Be sure to also ask fold that actually have disabilities to check the site, too – social networks, such as Mastodon have large groups of accessibility champions and users who will help.

Deciding on what level of accessibility to achieve

Read the WCAG guidelines and know what you want to aim for in terms of level of accessibility – there are different levels with an increasing level of accessibility features but remember that you will need to do some technical work on your website to address the non-content related issues. You may need some help with that but for the most part, the content-related aspects (words, images and files on the page) can all be addressed through your website editor.

Once all that is done and you know what level of accessibility you want and can meet, it’s time to start to add the specific things about your website to the document.

You can, of course, make continual improvements to increase the standard of measure but you’ll need to learn the basics, first.

How to create the accessibility statement document

You don’t have to start from scratch. There are a number of excellent model documents out there that have already got the key aspects that relate to the certain standards. For example, to meet WCAG 2.1AA for UK public bodies, the accessibility statement model document can be found on the website.

This is not being lazy as there’s still a lot of things that are specific to add and edit that relate to your website but it means the core attributes of the standard you want to meet are there for you to understand and include.

Once it’s done – read through it. Share it with a community to see if they feel it reflects your website’s level of accessibility and when it’s published on your website be sure to add a link to it from the homepage and part of the site’s navigation.

An accessibility statement is an organic document – it will need reviewing and updating as your website changes and you add new content and things you come across when checking the site.

Here’s our accessibility statement for this website.